A Garden-Full

What I never plan for is late snowfall or freezing weather, an infestation of grasshoppers or some fungus that wipes out my plants. I don’t even think about it being so hot it could fry the leaves brown on my green beans or that snails might chew my tender plantings down to little nubs.

Flocking Together

If you look at the flowering plum tree from far away, you see a large round mass; a fluffy red cloud of leaves. But as you get closer and peer into the tree, you realize the leaves are moving and shaking because of the great variety of birds nesting within. Song after different bird song emerges as they sing out; it’s a symphony.

Just say “Yes!”

The more I do the more… I am. Or more precisely, the more I serve and honor God, the closer I am to the Great I AM.

Forget about it…

Being of a certain age, however, I’m starting to forget things. A word here or there, a task I wanted to do, a name of someone I’ve recently met. It’s aggravating, a little upsetting (there’s always the fear that’s its more than old age). I don’t like forgetting… it means a loss of control; the inability to control myself, the things around me, even my own destiny.

What is a Ghost?

According to my aunt, on more than one occasion, my 16 year old cousin, who had slept in the upstairs bedroom, had been awakened in the middle of the night as something sat on the bed. He had opened his eyes to see an oily, black swirling mist, several feet tall, which appeared to float over the foot of the bed.